About Me

Leslie is a freelance writer and copy editor who focuses on entertainment, fiction, and commercial content. Her work is published in Flaunt, LOCALE, and OK, Whatever magazine. 

My Latest Work

Mental Health Stigmas in the Hispanic and Latinx Communities Take Generations to Heal

Content Warning: mental health illness discrimination

A/N: The names* mentioned were changed to protect the individual’s identity.

I paced in front of my parent’s bedroom for what felt like an eternity. My mom was on the floor wrapping Christmas presents, completely unaware that I was about to confront her about the emotional stresses I’d been harboring since childhood, symptoms which had evolved and became what my therapist and I now recognize as moderate to severe anxiety.

“Hey, Mom,” I sai

Shadow of Truth — mythos

You wonder about the shadow in the corner of your eye. It’s been following you now since you left his place half an hour ago. You first saw it when you walked through the front gate of his apartment. He hadn’t seen it because he hadn’t walked you out.

“It’s better this way,” he said.

You didn’t say anything. You were afraid that if you did, he wouldn’t call you. You would have gone home with that same sick, suspending feeling before it turned acidic, like the time you waited for his call a mon

The Scandal That Rocked Lana Turner’s World

Cheryl Crane clutched the kitchen knife in her hands. Trembling with fear, she could hear her mother screaming in her bedroom. Johnny Stompanato was in a rage — threatening to kill Turner and her daughter if the movie star left him. What Stompanato didn’t expect was Cheryl’s willingness to protect her mother. Coming of age under the shadow of murder, Cheryl Crane learned how to forgive herself in more ways than one.

Lana Turner was one of the biggest stars to grace the silver screen. Not only w

How 800 Women Helped Birth a Nation: The ‘Filles du Roi’

• 800 impoverished women known as the Filles du roi were sent to North America to populate new French territories.
• Louis XIV offered dowries to women who would brave the journey.
• Have you ever dreamed of starting a new life in Canada due to national conflict? 17th-century French women have never been so relatable.

Discovering one’s ancestry has never been as easy as it is today. DNA kits and TV shows that focus on reuniting lost family members have definitely struck a chord with today’s fa

GLADYS TAMEZ | It’s Said the Top of Your Head Is Where Fantasy Is Exhausted and Obtained —

For Tamez, designing a hat is like breathing life to a fantasy. She conjures her inspirations and manifests them into being, informed by her surroundings and her vivid imagination. “The inspiration can come from a book, a photo, from a dream,” she reveals. “It depends on the process I develop every season, and then from there I develop every hat with a specific idea.” When she designs she seldom touches a pencil, instead letting her hands paint the picture, working with the materials until the d

Blurring the Lines Between Virtual Reality and the Present, Brian Eno and Microsoft Presents Bloom: Open Space —

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting in the royal circle at the orchestra. You hear the bray of tuning violins and cellos. The string players are in position—their bows over the strings, and the flutists ready their fingers like poised birds over their keys. They look forward, anticipating their maestro, their composer, to begin the delicate and intricate order of what will be a symphony. They look to you. Anticipating the first composition. You have suddenly become the composer.


Sending Cam Girls Gifts In The Age of Coronavirus — OK Whatever

Lacey London’s Amazon wish list is separated into three categories: “Kawaii Cutiee,” “Femme Domme,” and “Pink Shit.” Each has products every girl could possibly want, like shoes and clothing or a white vanity set — plus a few juicier goodies like a glass dildo, nipple pasties, an anal plug with a fox tail on the end, and a $70 pink, carbon steel Japanese katana sword. And that is only a pinch of the vast amount of desired gifts that makes up London’s public wish list. A veteran cam girl in Denve

Voice to Books: Episode 3 – The Coachella Review

January is the month of new beginnings. This is the time when people look toward the future with hope and bright intentions. Science fiction has long been lauded as the first step to imagining our collective future, be it with technology, arts, or health advancements. This month, our reviewers examined science fiction novels written by authors from underrepresented groups. The contributions of people from minority communities to science fiction are often overlooked, but incredibly impactful, non

Can the Club Drug Ketamine Be a Cure for Depression? — OK Whatever

When entering, the tunnel is dim. The body is calm and the mind is light, observant and completely aware of its surroundings. In this tunnel, there are experiences thought to be forgotten, and memories thought to be erased. But there they are: bare and vulnerable. However, instead of reliving those moments, instead of being thrown back into instances of disappointment, fear, failure, or grief, it is observed objectively. Everything from the self, the mind, and the body is observed as an insider

Aromatherapy and Massages? Meet the Palm Desert Dentist Changing the Game

At Dell’Acqua Dental Studio, You’ll Be Pampered From Tooth to Toe

No one would ever call their dental visit a spa-worthy experience—unless they’re a patient of Dr. Rene Dell’Acqua in Palm Desert. For Dr. Dell’Acqua, dentistry is more than a profession, it’s a passion—one she believes can change people’s lives one smile at a time. “I have a flair for helping people achieve their goals, which, for most people, is to have a beautiful smile,” she explains.

Dr. Dell’Acqua has been working in cosmet

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